2011: playful experimentation

ready for growth
2010 turned out to be a year for sorting my internal world and dancing with visibility. I said goodbye to a beloved pet and a few friends, and connected with new ones.
Stepping into 2011, my intention is to make room for “playful experimentation” for both my life and business, bringing the curiosity and reverence I carry with me to silent (and active) retreats into ordinary time.
Loosening and adding spaciousness in places where life appears tight and narrow, like my schedule.
Granting permission to develop a sanctuary for myself–the same way I create for my marketing clients. Cultivating a garden of kindness, gratitude, compassion and empathy.
Lowering the stakes to what Jennifer Louden calls conditions of enoughness.
Keeping what works. Composting what doesn’t.
Shannon & I have talked about blogging several times a week in January as an initial experiment.
I’m thankful to each and everyone who has liked my Facebook page, followed me on Twitter or read, commented, and/or subscribed to this humble little blog. Thank you for your support!
P.S. Of course, I’m keeping an eye out for fun and creative online and live retreats in the coming year! Let me know if you hear of anything good!
photo credit: Me! My husband pointed out a log that had split in the center with this tuft of grass growing out of the crevice. I used the Retrocamera app and also caught a roly poly crossing the chasm. None of the other photos captured its journey.