peek #1: you blew my mindHere are a few peeks at a few of the encaustic pieces I created last weekend at the Wax Works West encaustic bootcamp. Ah...this dance with visibility: I won't call anything I do as "art" as I was simply playing with a new medium and...
beginner’s mind
Wax Works West: waxing eloquent about encaustics
pigments on the Wax Works West studio wallThis creativity junkie has a new medium: encaustics. The word "encaustics" is derived from enkaustikos, meaning to burn in. Artists work with layers of hot wax medium and paints, then fuse them with heat. OK, I may not wax...
2011: playful experimentation
ready for growthThe last few months has been a time on the road, practicing reverence for the everyday sacred, and indulging in the high season of navel gazing-retrospecting-and-introspecting. 2010 turned out to be a year for sorting my internal world and dancing with...
creative entrepreneuring with Lisa Sonora Beam
glass hearts at Hacienda MosaicoAs is the case more often than not these days, I’d run across Lisa Sonora Beam via Twitter, loved her website, then bought her then-newly released book, The Creative Entrepreneur. At the time, Lisa offered a few online workshops. I took...
coloring outside the lines: watercolor mandalas
watercolor mandala detail (c) 2010 joyThis past Saturday I attended a four-hour watercolor mandala class with Michele Faia, called "Painting as a Path to the Heart." I'd signed up at the urging of a good friend, who thought I'd love it. She was right! Michele taught...
lessons from a collage: mixing your media
my collage (c) 2010 joyThe Backstory: I'm in Taos with Jen Louden (@jenlouden) at her annual writing retreat. This is a good retreat if you're looking to be nurtured through the creative process, particularly around writing. Havi Brooks (@havi) is teaching yoga and...